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Talk about March Madness

Writer: Ashley Ashley


This month has been quite a whirlwind! With all the events we've had going on, I am just now getting a chance to catch my breath.

Let's get you all up to speed:

Way back at the end of February (practically EONS ago), I sat down with our new friends Jenny and Jade from Read Across Rowan and Cabarrus Counties to help wrap literally HUNDREDS of gently used and new books for second graders across our area that otherwise might not have access to age-appropriate reading material. RARCC volunteers have spent the last four weeks traveling to elementary schools all over both counties to distribute books and read some of their favorite classics to these special students in honor of Dr. Seuss's birthday (March 11).

We are so glad to be a part of a project this AWESOME, and you can be a part of it, too! Reach out to these ladies on the social media account above to find out about opportunities to help fundraise, wrap books, and read aloud! You can also stop by our store to purchase gift cards for future purchases for the program, or to donate books towards the RARCC store credit account for next year's event.

On March 10th, we got to participate in the 2nd Annual Viking Comic Con at Central Cabarrus, and let me tell you, I have never felt quite so at home among my fellow nerds :) A very special thanks to Punk Rock Princess Leia (aka Ms. Ramseur, the librarian) for putting together a spectacular event!

We had a fabulous turn out, and I had a blast chatting with our fellow vendors including Chris and Sarah from Beardy Weirdy's (My husband was positively green with envy over that DragonZord, y'all). If you're into comics or vintage toys and games, I absolutely can not recommend them enough.

They'll be joined by their friend Josh of Buzz Comics on May 4th at Cabarrus Brewing Co. for the 3rd Annual Concord Micro-Con. So, uh... be there or be square (Is that still cool? I don't know what the kids are saying these days.)

But for real, we can't wait to attend so that we can bask in the glow of all that pure, unadulterated nerdiness.

I'd also like to give a special shout-out to the tremendously talented Bob Morgan, co-founder of the former Church Street Comics, who is getting ready to publish his epic web serial System of Providence. Alongside his gorgeous artwork, Providence will feature the coming of age story of an alien prince who discovers that his world is a very different place than he believed it to be. Contact Bob at if you'd like to purchase a print!

The last two weeks have been devoted to a fairy tale collaboration of my two greatest passions: books and theatre! Jim and Denise from Actors of Tomorrow have put on a stunning production of The Enchanted Bookshop by Todd Wallinger that is sure to delight an audience of any age~ these youngins' really know how to put on a show!

You can check it out at Harrisburg Presbyterian Church (4815 Highway 49 S) all weekend long~March 29 & 30th at 7:30 p.m. and March 31st at 2:30 p.m. I'll be there doing what I do best~selling books! During intermission, audience members are encouraged to jump up on stage and peruse the book shop.

And if your child has a flair for the dramatic you should definitely consider signing them up for one of the sure-to-be-a-hoot summer workshops detailed at the website above!

So, if you stop by the store and find me asleep at the desk, please understand~March has been EXHAUSTING. But I really wouldn't have it any other way!


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